The Piss Pool Comes to Pride

For many years now, you have frolicked in the Piss Pool at the two big San Francisco street fairs.

But this year, you had another opportunity! On Sunday, June 30, after the Pride Parade, folks headed to Leather Alley, inside the “adults-only” Root of Pride portion of the SF Pride Celebration, to find the Yellow and Black Group Piss Pride Pool!


click to enlarge

As always, the rules were simple:

The pool is here for your convenience and enjoyment.
Anyone can climb in, dressed any way they want.
Climbing in = consent to be pissed on.
Photo-shy?  Loaner hoods are available.
Pee-shy?  Take your time; piss pigs are very patient.
Not used to standing up?  Ask for a disposable “female urination device”.

Keep the piss in the pool and off the street.

We discourage body contact during piss play (i.e. no “sex”, please).
No shit.
Have fun!

Climbing in or pissing is free, of course!
Folks taking pictures or video are encouraged to donate, to offset our costs.

I hope you had fun, folks.  Here are just a very few pics:



Sorry I have so few pictures.  Please do send me any photos or video you captured there, or links to any that you found online.  I’ll add them here.

Check out these pics from past years.